Teaching Others To Teach Others

Hello and welcome to my homepage! I pray that this site may encourage and help to enlighten those

involved in the work of evangelism. It has long been my conviction that until the church learns to "teach others to teach others" we will continue to try the latest program and or hire "professionals" to come in to our local congregations to do the work that needs to be part of the every day life of all Christians. In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus commanded the Apostles to go and make disciples. Jesus did not stop after saying “baptize them”. He said to teach them (disciples) to observe “all things” that I have commanded you (Apostles). Would not one of those “all things” be evangelism? Simply put, if the Apostles were to make disciples, then a disciple is what I am to be, and is what (I) should be helping (others) to become. Are you committed to carrying out the work of the Lord? (cf.2 Timothy 2:2). If you are, then I can help you to Teach Others To Teach Others.

Because He Lives - In Christian Love, Russell

Sowing the seeds of the kingdom, for the harvest

is plentiful but the laborers are few.

Local WorkLocal_Work.html
Overseas WorkOverseas.html
Guest SpeakingGuest_Speaker.html
What Must I Do To Be SavedBe_Saved.html
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Tools For Teaching Others To Teach OthersTools.html